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General terms and conditions
The General Terms and Conditions apply to the contractual relationship between PLINK and the Customer. They govern PLINK’s provision of services, after the agreed fee. This, according to what was agreed in the Commercial Offer.
Download the complete pdf of the General Terms and Conditions contract.

Acceptance and conclusion of the contract
The Customer declares to have received, before the conclusion of this Contract, all information useful for concluding the same in a free and informed manner.
The Customer is responsible for the completeness and truthfulness of the information provided to PLINK, as well as pursuant to and for the effects of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and subsequent amendments.
PLINK reserves the right not to conclude the Contract and not to proceed with the activation of the Services in the event that: (i) it does not receive a duly signed copy of the General Contract Conditions; (ii) the Customer is subject to bankruptcy and/or enforcement proceedings and/or registered in the protest register; (iii) the Client has defaulted against PLINK and has not yet remedied such defaults; (iv) fails to provide PLINK with the guarantees (where provided); (v) following the request for Services made by the Customer, the same may not be activated under the agreed conditions due to technical limitations not attributable to PLINK. In this case, PLINK will promptly notify the Client in writing via e-mail. The Contract will automatically terminate without any charge or liability for PLINK.
Use of the services and equipment
The Customer will use the Services and the Devices in compliance with the laws, regulations in force and the provisions of the General Contract Conditions. In addition, the Customer will comply with third parties’ rights. PLINK or its suppliers retain ownership of the equipment delivered under rental. PLINK reserves the right to modify or replace, at its own expense, the Devices or part of them, in order to improve the Services or when conditions require it. In the event that the Customer intends to use equipment owned by him or not supplied by PLINK, the same undertakes to connect only equipment that is technically compatible and approved and approved in accordance with current legislation and regulations applicable to the Services for the use of the Services. It is understood that any disservices attributable to malfunctioning of the Customer’s equipment are the sole responsibility of the Customer who undertakes to fully indemnify PLINK.
Reports, technical support, complaints and refunds
Telephone technical support can be reached between 8:30 and 19:00, Monday to Friday except official holidays. Any extensions of the service are available on request and are part of specific offers in this regard.
To report an issue or malfunction, you can call 031-778912 or send an e-mail to
Complaints, refunds and indemnities are governed by the Charter of Services.
Communications regarding serious and continuous disservices must be sent via PEC to the address Any complaints must be forwarded by the Client to PLINK in writing. PLINK undertakes to inform the Customer of the outcome of the assessment of the complaint within 45 (forty-five) days from the time the complaint is received.
General Conditions archive
Activation of services
Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, PLINK will activate the requested Services within 120 days from the date of signing by the Customer of all the documents necessary for the conclusion of the contract.
The activation of the Services presupposes the positive outcome of the verification of the technical, organizational and administrative feasibility of the provision. In addition, it requires the obtaining, where necessary, of permits from public and/or private entities. This is for the execution of works on public and/or private grounds. PLINK informs the Customer in writing of any impeding circumstances and/or the unavailability, even temporary, of the resources needed for this. PLINK also communicates the lack of necessary authorizations from public or non-public bodies, promptly providing this information and, in any case, within the same deadline for the activation of the Services.
Duration of the contract and withdrawal
Unless otherwise indicated in the Commercial Offer, starting from the Activation Date the Service is provided for a maximum duration of 24 (twenty-four) months, tacitly renewable from year to year unless canceled in writing and with at least 30 (thirty) notice) days.
Each Party may withdraw from the Contract at any time by giving written notice with at least 30 (thirty) days’ notice. This is without prejudice to the services performed and credits accrued prior to withdrawal. The Customer must send this communication via PEC to the address deactivation of some types of Services may be subject to an additional deactivation cost as indicated in detail by PLINK pursuant to Resolution 487/18/CONS.
Upon receipt of the notice of withdrawal sent within the terms and in the manner described above, the Parties are released from their respective obligations deriving from the Contract, without prejudice to those deriving from the execution, even partial, of the latter, including the obligation to return, within 10 days, any goods and/or Devices delivered to the Customer for use of the Services in accordance with the provisions of article 5.2 of these General Contract Conditions.
Without prejudice to the foregoing, if the Contract has been stipulated away from commercial premises in the presence of a PLINK sales official or remotely, the Customer may also withdraw within 14 (fourteen) days from the moment of the transmission of the Commercial Offer or the MAC. The Customer can express his/her intention to withdraw via PEC to the address It is possible to anticipate the communication via fax, provided that it is followed by the one sent via PEC within the established deadlines.
Intellectual property
All intellectual property rights used or included in the Services, in the software and in any other material provided to the customer by PLINK in relation to the Service provided, are and remain the exclusive property of PLINK or its suppliers. No ownership and no intellectual property rights attached to the Service or any modification or extension thereof shall pass to the Customer.
Professional Link Srl values the collaboration established with its customers; fill out this form and send it to comunicazioni@plink.itto see your company logo spread on our channels.
Contract summaries
Archive of offers that can no longer be subscribed
Professional Link service charter
In compliance with the principles and provisions established by the Resolutions of the Communications Guarantee Authority (AGCom), PLINK adopted the Service Charter.
The service charter describes the technical features and the quality levels of our services as well as the rights, obligations and principles which inform the relations between PLINK and the Customer. That, regarding the provision of the Services.
Professional Link Service Charter complements the General Terms and Conditions to which we make specific reference for any further information.
Download the Service Charter, updated to 2024, here.
Service charter archive
Basic pricing plans
Information on the Tariff Plans of the Basic Offers that can be subscribed is freely available in this section of our website.
For the standard general contract conditions and the additional information referred to in Annex 5 of the Electronic Communications Code, please consult the General Conditions page.
Archive of offers that can no longer be subscribed
New rules for mobile number portability and SIM replacement
By virtue of resolution 86/21/CIR, Agcom modifies the number portability and SIM replacement process to protect customers from swapping, i.e. from the illegal practice linked to the exchange of a SIM card thanks to which an attacker accesses the victim’s phone number and therefore sensitive information and assets.
Mobile phone operators must adopt all the changes introduced in the Agcom resolution.
PLINK intends to inform its customers of news aimed at protecting users.
The updated measures provide that:
- The request for portability of the mobile number to a new operator can only be made by the holder of the number subject to portability. This information can be verified with your operator. However, the obligation to identify the customer requesting mobile number portability remains valid, acquiring a copy of a valid identification document;
- The SIM subject to portability must be active and functioning. Therefore, it will not be possible to proceed with the MNP request in the event of a faulty, lost or stolen SIM. In these cases, before making the request, the customer must request a new working SIM from their operator. In the event of a lost or stolen SIM, it will also be necessary to produce the appropriate report and present it to the competent authorities;
- The introduction of a specific pre-validation procedure is necessary to proceed with the portability request: the new MNP process, in addition to the obligation to identify the customer requesting portability, provides for the verification of the correspondence of the tax code of the holder of the SIM from the previous operator;
- In response to a portability request, the following items must be acquired:
- A copy of the identification document;
- A copy of the tax code or health card;
- The copy of the SIM card of the current operator.
- The customer will be informed during all phases of the number portability process, up to the notification of MNP completion;
- The operator to which the telephone number is being ported is obliged to send an SMS to the number subject to portability or to make a recorded call to verify that the SIM is active and that the data entered are correct and to make sure that the customer actually intends to continue with the request.
Similar verification methods will also be adopted for requests to replace the SIM and change ownership (takeover):
Similar verification methods will also be adopted for requests to replace the SIM and change ownership (takeover):
- They can only occur following an explicit request from the SIM holder
- You must possess a working SIM. In the event of a faulty SIM, you must request replacement from the previous operator. In the event of theft or loss, report it to the authorities.
The operator must:
- Identify who requests;
- Perform a validation via SMS or recorded call to ascertain the will of those who use the account and verify that the SIM is active and functioning
- Interrupt the process when the customer replies negatively to the message received via SMS, customer care or website