Our values

Our values are not just words, but behaviors and ways of acting that represent Professional Link’s identity. The values that guide us in our work and direct our approach are the following:


i nostri valori intuitoIntuition is the ability to expand our intelligence beyond logical reasoning. Among our values, it is certainly the first, since we believe that fostering the ability to quickly understand and evaluate a situation is essential. For this reason, in our company intuition leads everyone to express their differences and enhance them in the search for solutions to the most complex problems.


i nostri valori passionePLINK’s success is due to the dedication of each of its members. It is thanks to the passion of each of us that the most innovative solutions are born. Therefore, to encourage the development of passion in our team members, we nurture motivation and cohesion around common goals every day. After all, it is the passion we have for our work that provides value to our services.


At Professional Link we believe in what we do and are passionate not only about achieving, but also exceeding goals. Commitment is the attitude with which a person approaches work; therefore, at PLINK we strive for this attitude to be positive. In this way we improve engagement and results.


Collaboration is a skill that can be learned at PLINK because we recognize its value. With us, collaboration speeds up processes and allows us to achieve solid and lasting objectives thanks to knowledge sharing.
All this makes PLINK people part of one big team: everyone, at every level, collaborate constructively by sharing ideas and developing skills.

The roots of our values can be traced to the importance that people and human relationships have within Professional Link. Their existence provides the foundation for a sense of community within the organization. We then integrate our professional skills with these values, resulting in:

I nostri valori innovazione


Innovation in PLINK means thrusting towards the future, and it stimulates us to raise our limits.
This value is achieved through research, attention to detail and rigorous tests to have a high level of reliability; only in this way can our services be created and personalized based on the specific needs of individual customers. In this sense, “connections beyond connectivity” is not a slogan, but a promise kept for over twenty years.

Professional Link Intuito


At PLINK we adapt to constantly changing scenarios by offering technical and human answers that are always different and in step with the times. To do this, we are constantly active and proactive in the face of any need or emergency.
At Professional Link we believe it is essential to experiment continuously, not only to improve or create services but also to generate new business models, processes and strategies