At Professional Link we support our partners and customers in building global Internet connectivity with a one – stop shop approach
At Professional Link we support our partners and customers in building global Internet connectivity, or international connectivity between overseas locations, with a One Stop Shop approach.
The expansion of public Cloud services in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) modes has led Internet connectivity to play an increasingly strategic and business critical role in corporate traffic routing, replacing existing MPLS networks, now considered expensive and inflexible.
Meanwhile, over the years we have acquired resources and expertise in international services. We have consolidated numerous partnerships with domestic and regional operators globally to ensure the most effective experience in implementing and managing a geographically distributed solution.

Connettività Internet globale: chiavi in mano
La nostra copertura si estende a più di 180 nazioni e per ciascuna di esse ci avvaliamo di Internet partner locali, regionali e globali. Prima di tutto, per garantire la miglior connettività internazionale tra sedi estere.
La nostra scelta ricade sempre su operatori affidabili e flessibili con il nostro stesso grado di attenzione alle esigenze del cliente. Di conseguenza, questo ci permette di fornire non solo connettività, ma anche servizi a valore aggiunto.

Turnkey global Internet connectivity:
Our coverage extends to more than 180 countries and for each we have local, regional and global Internet partners. First of all, to ensure the most efficient international connectivity between foreign offices.
Our choice always falls on reliable and flexible operators with the same degree of attention to customer needs as we do. Consequently, this allows us to provide connectivity, but also value-added services.

Our consolidated expertise, used to support international clientele interconnection and connectivity, allows us to focus on your specific needs. This is thanks to our senior staff and technical background.
In PLINK the processes are efficient, the organization is streamlined and the equipment is available in-house. All this for reduced and streamlined implementation times. Consequently, companies using PLINK benefit from faster project completion times and cost savings.
Service managed by PLINK
All activities dedicated to international connectivity are coordinated by a PLINK Project Manager. Likewise, the equipment is managed and monitored by our Italian Assurance Team.
We have a service desk in Italy and can provide you with a monitoring portal to view service statistics. As optional services, we can provide site surveys, procurement, shipping, installation, maintenance of customer equipment (e.g. SD-WAN) and internal cabling.
International connectivity for business
With our international connectivity, it is possible to create Internet browsing access for users of your foreign offices, all while maintaining a single interlocutor.
Our service can help you, as an underlay transport, in the implementation of your SD-WAN solutions on a global scale, or form the central element in the realization of a fully supplied and managed SASE network by PLINK. With our PIU (Plink Internet Unplugged) LTE/4G/5G service, we are also able to provide you with Internet connectivity on a mobile device, which can be used as a backup access system and/or as a quick activation service in accordance with your unique needs.
International connectivity for business
With our international connectivity, it is possible to create Internet browsing access for users of your foreign offices, all while maintaining a single interlocutor.
Our service can help you, as an underlay transport, in the implementation of your SD-WAN solutions on a global scale, or form the central element in the realization of a fully supplied and managed SASE network by PLINK. With our PIU (Plink Internet Unplugged) LTE/4G/5G service, we are also able to provide you with Internet connectivity on a mobile device, which can be used as a backup access system and/or as a quick activation service in accordance with your unique needs.