Entry Tracker
The entry registration application that manages company attendance
Record entries and exits in the company
En.Tra (Entry Tracker) is a simple and intuitive app and software for tracking attendance, which runs on Android systems, which keeps track of the entries and exits of guests and collaborators of your company.
What is En.Tra used for?
Choosing En.Tra is an essential step in ensuring that the attendance of company’s employees and guests can be controlled at any time and from anywhere.
In this way, time, paper, and internal resources are not wasted. As a matter of fact, En.Tra is an automatic system that monitors the entrances and exits of employees. During meetings with customers, stakeholders, or other individuals outside of the organization, En.Tra is also used to control entrances and exits to and from the company.
By displaying the accesses that have taken place over a defined time frame, filtering by location and gate, this virtual reception is an effective tool in preventing contagion, since, in addition to verifying the validity of green passes (or other QR codes), it informs those who have been in the company of any current health situation by displaying accesses that have taken place in the past few weeks.
In the event of a fire, earthquake, or other emergency situation, En.Tra is vital. It allows you to monitor from any location who is still inside the company at the time and who has already been evacuated.

Employee and guest attendance detection
Upon arrival, the guest can call an extension or a group of extensions via En.Tra. In this way the user announces himself and can be welcomed by the desired person. Alternatively, the guest can register himself in total autonomy. The interface is, in fact, extremely intuitive and can be customized in English, French, Spanish and German.
With En.Tra it is possible to export employees and guests’ attendance registers in PDF, Excel and CSW format.
Entry Tracker protects your privacy
With En.Tra, security is guaranteed: guests or employees who interact with the application cannot view other accesses, and will accept your company’s privacy conditions.
Recording company attendance and outings has never been easier.
Entry Tracker integrations and customizations
En.Tra can be integrated with Intelligent Building Systems and, with the necessary additions, it performs advanced home automation operations.
En.Tra can be customized with your logo and company colors, for a user experience consistent with the look and feel of your brand.
Even the fields for filling in are customizable: ask your guests only what you deem necessary to know, without exasperating them with endless filling requests.
En.Tra can also be integrated with UniRe.
With En.Tra you can manage one or more offices, and one or more access gates for each office. Many devices, just one server.

Do not hesitate to contact us. We are always available to help you increase your business security, developing with you the most suitable solution for your company.
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