Professional Link

Connections beyond connectivity

Thanks to more than 20 years’ experience in the telecommunications sector, we have developed the most effective business solutions. Find out on this page which ones are best suited to your needs.

Business connectivity

Among our business solutions, the choice of an Internet connection is the most strategic. In fact, the corporate Internet connection must be consistent with the level of digitization of the organization. This means optimizing the resources already in place to take advantage of technology as much as possible.

Your needs are unique, so they must be carefully evaluated. PLINK offers you the solution.

Take a look at the services we offer for your connectivity needs:

SASE business solutions

Cyber security for companies

La cyber securityIn order to ensure business continuity, it is imperative to protect data, assets, networks, and services from cyber threats and risks..

How to reduce the risk derived from cyberattacks quickly and promptly, before vulnerabilities are exploited by increasingly skilled hackers?

Find out about our cyber security solutions

NDR business solutions

Cloud storage

For companies, data is a highly valuable asset that must be defended, stored and managed. Its loss is always a serious risk that compromises business continuity.

Professional Link solves the problem through solutions tailored to your specific needs, ensuring data protection, backup and recovery.

Find out how with
Servizio Ambra Cloud Professional Link

business solutions Ambra Cloud


Companies develop around a network of relationships that must be nourished by constant dialogue. To remain competitive on the market, it is essential to understand the needs of all stakeholders, including customers, collaborators, partners, and stakeholders.

For this, PLINK has engineered data solutions that simplify and optimize your company’s communication.

Discover them:

PIU business solutions

Unified Communications and Collaboration

The PBX is a telephone system that allows internal communication of a company anywhere thanks to VoIP and Cloud technologies.

With VoIP, landline telephony and switchboard solutions proposed by PLINK, the voice of your company will travel with the Internet, guaranteeing scalability, operational continuity, traceability and ease of management.

Find out how with:

VIP business solutions

Internal resource management

Having the company situation under control is essential not only for CEOs and department heads, but for every collaborator who uses shared company resources or receives guests for appointments.

PLINK has developed solutions dedicated to monitoring company attendance, managing workstations and other company resources to help you effectively manage day-to-day operations of your organization.

Discover them here:


RIng business solutions

Remote working


Desk Office Mobility and Unified Security: a new way to experience remote work

Thinking about implementing a remote work management model also means developing corporate values of personal protection, welfare and well-being. These values are recognized today as fundamental elements to increase collaborator efficiency and productivity, even at home.

Professional Link has developed the answer to this need for smartworking.Discover it here:

D.O.M.U.S. business solutions